Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de shelter

to sheltercobijar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I shelter cobijo
you shelter cobijas
he shelters cobija
she shelters cobija
we shelternosotros cobijamos
you sheltervosotros cobijáis
they shelterellos cobijan
they shelterellas cobijan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I shelteredyo cobijé
you shelteredtú cobijaste
he shelteredél cobijó
she shelteredella cobijó
we shelterednosotros cobijamos
you shelteredvosotros cobijasteis
they shelteredellos cobijaron
they shelteredellas cobijaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have shelteredyo he cobijado
you have shelteredtú has cobijado
he has shelteredél ha cobijado
she has shelteredella ha cobijado
we have shelterednosotros hemos cobijado
you have shelteredvosotros habéis cobijado
they have shelteredellos han cobijado
they have shelteredellas han cobijado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had shelteredyo había cobijado
you had shelteredtú habías cobijado
he had shelteredél había cobijado
she had shelteredella había cobijado
we had shelterednosotros habíamos cobijado
you had shelteredvosotros habíais cobijado
they had shelteredellos habían cobijado
they had shelteredellas habían cobijado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will shelteryo cobijaré
you will sheltertú cobijarás
he will shelterél cobijará
she will shelterella cobijará
we will shelternosotros cobijaremos
you will sheltervosotros cobijaréis
they will shelterellos cobijarán
they will shelterellas cobijarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have shelteredyo habré cobijado
you will have shelteredtú habrás cobijado
he will have shelteredél habrá cobijado
she will have shelteredella habrá cobijado
we will have shelterednosotros habremos cobijado
you will have shelteredvosotros habréis cobijado
they will have shelteredellos habrán cobijado
they will have shelteredellas habrán cobijado

I would shelteryo cobijaría
you would sheltertú cobijarías
he would shelterél cobijaría
she would shelterella cobijaría
we would shelternosotros cobijaríamos
you would sheltervosotros cobijaríais
they would shelterellos cobijarían
they would shelterellas cobijarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have shelteredyo habría cobijado
you would have shelteredtú habrías cobijado
he would have shelteredél habría cobijado
she would have shelteredella habría cobijado
we would have shelterednosotros habríamos cobijado
you would have shelteredvosotros habríais cobijado
they would have shelteredellos habrían cobijado
they would have shelteredellas habrían cobijado

Participio presenteAnotado
sheltering cobijando

Participio pasadoAnotado
sheltered cobijado

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